Sunday, November 17, 2013

31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise !

It has been too long since my last post and to redeem myself and this blog I'm writing about something this time that you may have forgotten.
   Summer is usually the best time to exercise and people find others to do these exercises with. Although September and November has passed and everyone has started living in their daily routines and lives again.
And thanks to that most of us don't have time to plan or do any of those exercises or even stay on a healthy diet, cause let's face it, junk food is cheap and quick.
   So to get you guys back on track I'm going to introduce you guys to 31 Ways to motivate you once again !

  1. How you feel after a workout. I always feel great after a food workout. It's a High. And I let that motivate me the next time: "You know how good you're going to feel, Björn!"
  2. Time for you. While many people make time to take care of others, they don't often make time to take care of themselves. Instead, make your "you" time a priority, and don't miss that exercise appointment.
  3. Calories burned. If you count calories, you know that the more you exercise, the more calories you burn - and the bigger your calorie deficit.
  4. Having fun. Exercise should be fun. If it isn't, try a different kind of activity that you enjoy. As long as you're moving, It's good for you.
  5. How you'r going to look. Imagine a slimmer fitter you. Now let that visualization drive you.
  6. Magazines. It motivates me to read fitness magazines. Not sure why, but it works.
  7. Cover models. Sure, they're genetically freaky, and probably Photo shopped to look perfect. But for some reason, looking at how good a cover model looks helps motivate me to work harder.
  8. Blogs. I enjoy reading blogs about people who are into running, or losing weight. It can show the ups and downs they go through, and you can learn from their experiences.
  9. Success stories. I find the success stories of others incredibly inspirational. If a fitness website has success stories, I'll almost always read them.
  10. Forums. Do the monthly challenge of the Zen Habits forums, or join another forum full of like minded or like goaled peopled. Check in daily. It really helps.
  11. Rewards. If you exercise fora few days, give yourself a reward! A week ? Another reward. Do it often in the beginning.
  12. Fitting into new clothes. Wanna look good in a smaller size ? Work out !
  13. Being attractive. That's always a good motivator as I'm sure we all know.
  14. Adrenaline rush. I get a rush when i exercise. Eide that rush to complete the workout.
  15. Stress relief. Wound up after a long day at the office ? Get out and work off that stress. It makes a world of difference.
  16. Time for contemplation. I love, love the quiet time of exercise for thinking about things. Most of this post was written in my head as i exercised. 
  17. A workout partner. Best thing I've done. Choosing someone to workout with is the coolest thing ever. You can share the up's and down's together and work yourselves to the to together.
  18. An exercise class. Sign up for a class, perhaps with a friend, and you'll be motivated to get there and work out. 
  19. A coach trainer. Worth the money, just for the motivation.
  20. An exercise log/graph. For some reason, writing it down is extremely important. Really. Do it for a week and you'll see what I mean.
  21. Your before picture. You often don't realize how far you've come. Take pictures.
  22. A 5K race or triathlon. just sign up for one, and you'll be motivated to train.
  23. The dread of feeling "yuck" from not exercising. I hate how I feel after not exercising. So i reaming myself of that when I feel tired.
  24. Living long enough to see your grand kids and play with them. This honestly doesn't need and explanation.
  25. The scale. It's not motivating to weigh yourself every day, as your weight fluctuates. But if you weigh yourself once a weak, you'll be motivated to have it keep going down, instead of up. Combine the scale with the measuring tape, and measure your waist.
  26. Reaching a goal. Set a goal for weight, or your waist measurement, or a number of days to work out, or a number of miles to run this week. Setting and tracking a goal helps motivate you to complete your goal. Make it easily achievable.
  27. Posting it on your blog. Tell people you're going to lose weight or exercise daily, and report to them. You'll make it happen !
  28. Motivational quotes. I like to print them out or put them on my computer desktop. 
  29. Books. I just bought a strength-training book as a reward. It makes me want to hit the weights !
  30. Others commenting on how good you look. When someone notices the changes in your body, it feels good. And it makes you want to work out more.
  31. An upcoming day at the Beach, or a reunion. Nuff said.

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