
Abs workout

Hi world of sport lovers !

In this post I will be teaching you on how to get your abs in perfect shape really quick. I did and I'm very pleased. In four weeks you will start seeing the results, in eight others will notice ;)
        Once again the exercises below are one SET and you should do at least 4 SET-s, 2 times a week.
So ... Lets get started shall we.

  • 15 regular sit ups - position is laying on the ground legs are at a 45 degree angle and hands are tied behind the head
  • 15 in and outs - lay on the ground legs straight and hands straight not aside but like stretching up to the skies. Next step is to bring you upper body up and crunch your lower back up as well. Bring your hands to your heels and return to the starting position. Repeat this for 15 times.
  • 15 full lenght toe touches - starting position is the same as in in and outs had but this time raise your legs up (to the skies if you might say) and raise your upper body as well touch your toes with your hands and get back to the starting position. Repeat that for 15 times.
  • 10 each side toe touches - be on your right or left side and lay down. The side you are on the same arm helps you keep your balance. raise your legs up and touch with one hand. Do the exercise to the other side as well and for both sides like I said 10 times.
  • 30 seconds side to side holds. For this exercise you need to sit on your bum upper body not touching the ground and legs crouched not touching the ground. Hands are upon your abs not touching them. Hold yourself up and bring your hands to one side and then the other, remember not to touch the ground.
  • 30 seconds sitting hold - exactly the same as the last exercise but don't move your hands, that easy.
  • 30 seconds horizontal plane - be as you were doing push ups but elbows are touching the ground. Hold that position for 30 seconds like mentioned.
  • Max out with the most sit ups you can do.
As mentioned this is only one SET. Do at least four. It seems hard in the beginning but abs will get used to it quickly and soon you will have an eight pack :)

                                        Abs exercises for beginners !

As I promised earlier to post a new abs training program which will still guarantee your weight loss and beautiful abs. Remember that the routine described down below is one SET and for beginner it requires two sets. If you feel more comfortable do 3. If you cant do two sets then try to do as much as you can in the second SET. Once you can do all three sets easily then process to the routine described up at the page. This routine is the simplified one from the top ... enjoy.

  • 12-15 sit ups - Regular sit ups lying on the ground hands behind your head and tied, legs under a 45 degree angle.
  • 12-15 lying knee raises- lye down face up. Find a comfortable position. Crunch your legs to a 90 degree angle above the ground and repeat that for 12 to 15 times depending on your physical form.
Enjoy these exercises !

Many people online have asked how to train abdominal muscles or as many know them as lower abs. Well usual crunches and ab training routines help as well but there are some exercises that are meant just for lower abs. They will also help you lose weight and get that belly of yours nice for upcoming summer.
   Here I will be describing one exercise that will help you out ...

Barbell ab rollout routine. 

1. For this exercise you will need to get into a push up position, but instead of having your hands on the floor, you will be grabbing onto an Olympic barbell instead. This will be your starting position.

2. While keeping a slight arch on your back, lift your hips and roll the bar towards your feet as you exhale. Tip: As you perform the movement, your glutes should be coming up, you should be keeping the abs tight and should maintain your back posture at all times. Also your arms should be staying perpendicular to the floor throughout the movement. If you don´t, you will work out your shoulders and back more than the abs.

3. After a second contraction at the top, start to roll the barbell forward to the starting position as you inhale.

4. Repeat the recommended amount what you will know after you have done these exercises first time.

Caution: These exercises should be done by people with healthy back.
     Remember a healthy mind needs and healthy body, Keep training !

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