How to use smoothies for workouts and snacks.
- Pre-workout nutrition should mainly include carbohydrates and proteins - During intense training, your body depends on fuel from glycogen made from carbohydrates what you eat. The body can´t use fat for fuel during high intensity exercise because there is not enough oxygen available. Research has show the effectiveness of pre-workout protein drinks.
- Post workout is important to help your body recover from intense exercise. You don't need to eat immediately after an intense workout, but there is a 45 minute window where replenishing your body's fuel will optimize your tissueÅ› repair and growth. The post exercise meal should consist of carbohydrates, protein and small amount of essential fats. A drink as a smoothie, is good because itÅ› quickly digestible. A ratio of 2g carbs/1g protein is just what you need.
- Protein provides the main building blocks for your muscles. Daily protein needs should be calculated according to body weight. Daily protein targets (Grams per pound of body weight) are :
--Competitive athlete, adult : 0.6-0.9
--Growing teenage athlete : 0.8-0.9
--Adult building muscle mass : 0.7-0.9
--Max usable amounts by adults : 0.9 (your body will excrete extra protein)
For example you weight 190 pounds or 86.4 Kg and want a high protein intake (0.9 gms/lb) you´ll need 171 grams of protein.

Here are three smoothies you can use :
- 1 cup of low-fat cherry yogurt.
- 1/4 cups cranberry juice.
- 1 cup frozen, Pitts cherries.
- 3/4 cups frozen, unsweetened blueberries.
- 2 bananas.
- 1/2 cup of blueberries.
- 1 cup of plain yogurt.
The bananas have to be solid so peal the bananas
and but them in the freezer until they are solid.
- 2 cups of fresh slightly thawed frozen blueberries.
- 1 (8 ounces) container low fat vanilla yogurt.
- 1 (6 ounces) cups milk.
- 1 (12 ounces) can pineapple juice.
- 3 tablespoons honey.
- 12 to 16 ice cubes.

- 1 cup of frozen strawberries.
- 1 kiwi.
- 1 banana.
- 1 cup strawberry yogurt.
- 1/4 cup apple juice.
Banana and Malt Breakfast shake :
- 4 cups milk
- 2 tablespoons malted milk powder
- 2 large ripe bananas, peeled, chopped
- 3 wheat cereal biscuits, broken into pieces
- 2 tablespoons thick plain yoghurt
- 2 tablespoons honey
Blend them all until smooth, and pour into cold glass to serve.
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