
Sunday, December 6, 2015

One Punch Man Workout !

Hey !

This is called a One Punch Man workout, and I highly suggest it to everyone !

Have a great Holiday month, and remember ... A healthy mind needs a Healthy body !

Keep training !

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Is White Rice Good for You ?

Hey health enthusiasts !

Today I´m going to go over a question that has been asked from me numerous times. Is white rice good for your health ?

White rice is excellent with numerous dishes and also tasy when seasoned and cooked well.

Though white rice is produced through a refining process that removes much of the nutrional factors, it still provides us with nutrients.

The benefits of white rice:

Provides energy: When you are living an active lifestyle you are going to need energy, and white rice provides you with just that. White rice is rich in carbohydrates, which are a quick way to fuel you up. Skip the carbohydrates in your diet, and you will feel more exhausted and not up for some activities as much as you used to be.

Great for muscle growth: Although white rice is processed it still is rich in amino acids. Serve rice with some meat and you will get plenty of amino acids neccesary for muscle growth.

Prevent Gastrointestial distress: If you don´t like from suffering from dirrhea, morning sickness and colitis then you should be consentrated on eating low fiber foods. White rice is just that !

Although there are benefits to white rice, there are some risks as well, and thats why I prefer brown rice a little more.
    White rice is conscidered a fast carb, which means that it is rapidly broken down sugars in the body. This can contribute to insulin resistance. I also remember reading an article a while back that said, eating white rice five times a week increased the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  On the other side, brown rice is lower on the glycemic index and actually decreases the risk of diabetes to those who ate two servings per week.

Cooking tips: 

  • Before cooking white-, or brown rice, be sure to rinse it properly.
  • Use a pot with a thicker bottom - In my experience the rice wouldn´t stick to the bottom as much
  • If you are going for some non-sticky rice then use a some olive oil while cooking or a couple drops of lemon juice. If fact, a few drops of lemon juice makes white rice even whiter and more presentable to guests. 
  • Do not stir while cooking, this usually makes the rice break and also sticky. Making sticky rice is a completely other thing and requires different style of cooking. 

Remember ! A Healthy Mind needs a Healhy Body ! Keep training and be sure to eat well !

Sunday, October 11, 2015

What to eat before and after a workout ?

Hey, Itś been a while, but I´m back and running again. Been doing a lot of side projects and sorry for not being here all this time.

Lately I have been getting a lot of emails on what to eat before and after a workout. So in addition to my own knowledge I´ve been asking some friends on what they eat before and after and did a bit of reasearch on it. I found out alot and I will gladly share my holy grail of nutritious foods :)

So lets get started !

First of all I would like to mention, that it does not matter which exercise you are going to do.

Just remember not to eat so much of this tasty food that you are too full to do anything.

Lets start with the foods neccesary to begin your workout. I will be mostly talking about out of my experience.
    I usually workout in the mornings, so I like to combine my pre-workout foods with breakfast as I go along.

Best Pre-Workout foods: 

  • Bananas: They are full of digestible carbohydrates or as I like to call it "Fuel". Also they are extremely light to eat in the mornings and especially before a workout. Bananas also contain large amounts of Potassium, which helps out muscle function. Potassium usually is not stored in the body for long, so bananas will keep the nutrient levels high for your workout period.
  • Oats: We have discussed the importance of carbohydrates in this blog before, but I´ll go over them again. Because oats are full of fiber, then this means it gradually releases carbohydrates into your bloodstream. Because they are being released gradually, then it keeps your energy levels consistent for a long time. Oats also contain vitamin B, which helps to transform fibers into carbohydrates a lot faster. 
  • Fruit and Yogurt: This is one of my favorites. Fruit is packed with carbohydrates and yogurt is full of High-Quality protein. The carbs from fruit break down quickly and afterwords helps to prevent muscle damage. Trust me ! It would be a great habit to obtain in the mornings.
What to avoid doing: Remember, that these are Pre-Workout snacks not meals. If you are going to eat too much of these then you could get nausea, indigestion and vomiting. Belive me, I have gone trough with that before. As I mentioned, I love fruits and yogurt and overdid once, the workout did not work out well to say the least.

Best Post-Workout foods: 

  • Eggs: At just 70 to 80 calories each, eggs contain about 6 grams of protein and are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. I have lots of recipes which contain eggs on my blog, be sure to check them out !
  • Salmon: Not only you get a large dosage of protein, salmon is also packed with Omega-3 , which helps rebuild muscles and increase performance. On of the best parts about salmon, that itś Super Delicious !
  • Kiwi: It may not sound like much, but Kiwi actually packs huge amounts of vitamin C and potassium into tiny serving. They also relieve muscle sourness thanks to their excellent source of antioxidants. If you can, then try to eat the skin of it, it has a large amout of nutrients in it. 
  • Green tea and Chocolate Milk: In my opinion these drinks are heavenly. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that help metabolize fat that would otherwise cause muscle sourness. Chocolate milk is a great option for recovery. Tastes far more better than just plain old water also, dosen´t it ;) Researchers found that Chocolate Milk restores muscle glycogen and re hydrates the body just as well as Gatorade. As an added bonus, it contains large amounts of calcium thanks to the milk, healthy fats and whey protein. 
The most important part of all: Eat something. In order for the body to recover it needs vitamins and nutrients. If you exercise in the mornings, wake up 10 minutes earlier if needed to get your pre-, and post-workout foods ready. You´ll thank yourself later. 

Remember: A healthy mind needs a healthy body ! 

Keep Training !

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Coming Soon !

There is a reason why I haven´t been posting lately. I´ve been working on an ebook called "A Road to Success". I have put a lot of my time and effort in to this book and am looking forward to publishing it. 

In the mean while stay tuned and browse through my routines and dieting programmes. Remember: A healthy mind needs a healthy body. Keep training !

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Itś All About Consistency !

Hey readers and fellow bloggers !

There is one thing that stands in the way of many peoples success in fitness. You guessed it, itś Consistency !

     Trough my own success and failures I have learned that there is this one little ingredient that stop people from reaching their goals. That's Consistency ! 

The thing that makes me sad, when I give tips to people is that they tend to be impatient. They want to see instant results and that's why they turn to weird devices which are advertised on some even more odd television program. 
    People need to give their exercise plans more time for them to work.

No matter where we work or what we do, success can´t be found just lying on the ground, but must be worked hard for, 
    You can have the best coach, even the best dieting program, but if you lack consistency then it just won´t work. 

So !

3 Tips for Consistency !

1. Resistance training :

Everyone interested in losing weight should do resistance training at least 3 times a week. 
    I know this might seem hard to do at first, but trust me ... you´ll get used to the routine after some while and can´t live without it soon enough. This will help you lean, body mass and tone which also gives you a better metabolic rate and of course,  a beautiful body. 

A bit of advice : Take someone with you like a friend. Itś better to stay motivated if you know that someone is waiting for you to go training together. Also its tons of more fun. 

2. Cardiovascular training ! : 

This is extremely necessary to keep your metabolic rate roaring like a lion and helps you burn off those extra calories. 

I like to put it this way, itś good to do cardiovascular training because I can still eat most of the things i really crave for, and yet lose those extra pounds. So I´m happy with my training and even more glad with my diet. 
   The thing with just going on a diet alone, is that people also lose muscle mass in the procedure. And I´m certain you know that is not good for you. 

In my opinion the best way to do cardio is to go running or swimming first thing in the morning. That way you will boost your mood for the day and wont be lazy. You will be more active and also more satisfied, cause you know that you have done something for yourself that day. Itś hard at first but once you get your routine going, it will be easy as pickles :)

3. Nutrition :

This is where I see the most inconsistency. People tend to eat properly for about 2-5 days and then blow it for the next 2-5 days. 

This awful thing leads to frustration. Don´t start with and extreme diet plan, but start with something more moderate, something you feel you can achieve easily. Also find a plan with healthy food you like. 

This of course does not mean you can drink, eat and sleep ice cream, but keep it moderate. A little dosen´t do any harm what so ever. 

To speed up your metabolism, eat 5-7 small meals a day. This will keep you energetic the whole day.
Also try to prepare your own meals, this is such a calming thing to do and keeps you away from Burger king and such places. 

Conclusion !

A consistent routine will take some time to develop, so don't be frustrated if u mess up a bit. After a couple of weeks or a month you will hit a consistent routine and it will be comfortable and all natural to you.  Just remember, give it time to sink in and it will go smoothly.

Remember, A healthy mind needs a healthy body ! Keep training !

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Total abs Workout !

That dream beach body workout starts today !

The results, They are mindblowing !
Keep training !

10 Foods to Eat to Burn More Calories !

There are many foods to eat to burn more calories, Unfortunately the sad thing is that people tend to starve themselves and do ridiculous things in order to lose weight. But this has a bad effect on your body and many even gain weight after doing over the shaft diets and exercises.
   Without further ado I will give you 10 foods to eat to lose weight more effectively.

1. Grapefruit :

Grapefruits speed up your metabolism and help burn a lot of calories. This fruit will help you feel full faster and longer with fewer calories. Moreover, grapefruit is rich in fiber that may help stabilize your blood glucose levels. You can add grapefruit to your fruit salad, smoothies or drink a grapefruit juice.

2. Zucchini :

You might be surprised to see zucchini on the list of the delicious ingredients to add to your green juice, but it’s perfect to juice with. Many people avoid adding zucchini to juices and smoothies, but if you try it, you will love it, I promise. Zucchini is rich in Vitamin C, potassium, and chlorophyll. It tastes slightly sweet and makes an excellent juice base.

3. Cucumbers :

You can easily improve the taste of your green juice by adding cucumbers to it. They will give a slightly sweet taste and they make a perfect juice base. Cucumbers are high in water, B vitamins, electrolytes, and contain a lot of important vitamins and the anti-cancer components of caffeic acid, lutein, and fisetin. They help fight bad breath, keep kidneys, bones and joints healthy, control blood pressure, fight cancer and diabetes, and help lose weight. Just make sure you buy organic, because conventional cucumbers contain high levels of pesticides.

4. Carrots :

Carrots are one of the most delicious ingredients you can add to your green juice. They are an excellent source of Vitamin C, fiber and they are high in beta-carotene. Carrots help brighten the skin and fight acne. Moreover, carrots have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Since carrots are high in sugar, adding one or two carrots to your green juice will be enough to make your juice tastier.

5. Romaine lettuce :

Romaine lettuce will give your green juice slightly sweet, hydrating taste and a delightful flavor. It is rich in protein, omega 3s, and Vitamin C and has a lot of health benefits. Romaine lettuce can help you lose weight, reduce blood pressure levels and it’s good for your heart. I think it’s a sound reason to add it to your green juice.

6. Apples :

Apples, especially green ones, can make any juice more delicious. They are high in fiber and very low in calories. They help protect your heart, your eyes, keep your liver healthy and boost your immune system. Apples are also a great source of antioxidants and Vitamin C that will give your green juice an amazing flavor. I usually add green apples to my juice since they’re lower in sugar than red apples.

7. Lemons :

Perhaps the most popular ingredient to add to any drink is lemons. Despite its sour taste, lemon will give your green juice a slightly sweet taste and will make it incredibly delicious. It’s low in sugar, calories and high in Vitamin C that helps improve the immune system and fight colds, and potassium, which is good for heart health. Plus, it helps strengthen the gums and teeth.

8. Tomatoes :

Have you ever tried to add tomatoes to your green juice? No? Then I highly recommend you give it a try. Tomatoes are low in sugar and high in the antioxidant lycopene and Vitamin C. They help reduce the risk of heart disease, neutralize free radicals, reduce cholesterol, and lower the risk of cancer. Tomatoes also help balance the skin, get rid of excessive oil and fight acne. They will give your green juice a sweet taste and make it healthier.

9. Limes :

Green juice is an amazingly healthy, invigorating way to start your day and adding a little lime to it will help increase your vitamin C intake throughout the day. Since limes are high in antioxidants, they help your skin look younger and they’re great for your overall health. They are detoxifying to the liver and can help you lose weight.

10. Fennel :

Fennel is a sweet vegetable that will make your green juice more delicious. It gives a sweet, hydrating taste and boasts many health benefits. It can help eliminate gas, constipation and bloating, and boost your immune system due to its high Vitamin C content. Fennel is also rich in vitamin A and many of the B vitamins, and it contains potassium, folate, manganese and molybdenum.

So, of course you noticed, that these foods are vegetarian foods. That does not mean that meat eaters can´t enjoy them. I also have many posts about meat what are extremely good to put in to your diet.
     Remember, A healthy mind needs a healthy body ... Keep training !