
Friday, November 29, 2013

Big Fail: 10 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight

As we all know that most people try to exercise and can't lose weight. Also some people lose it fast and can keep it up only for a couple of moths. So what are we doing wrong ?
Do we really need a personal trainer who tell us what to do and what to eat ? The answer is no.
You see, losing those extra calories sure is alot of work but the key lies in the nutrition. There is a reason why 80% of my post are about nutrition and motivation, and the other 20% are about exercise routines.

So I'm going to explain to you what you might be doing wrong. If you notice a friend, then share it to them. They will also need to know this ;)

Most people:

  • Have absolutely no idea how many calories their body really needs ( and how many they are actually taking in).
  • Skip breakfast and often other meals.
  • Don't eat enough fruits or vegetables.
  • Don't eat enough protein.
  • Don't eat enough whole grains.
  • Eat too much white stuff: white flour, white pasta, white sugar, white rice and simple carbs.
  • Don't think they have enough time to plan ahead, so they find themselves grabbing a quick meal -- often consumed consumed standing up, at their desks or in their cars.
  • Often have enough calories in beverages alone, to meet their daily calorie needs -- but don't drink enough water.
  • Don't exercise enough (or at all)
  • Prioritize their spouse, partner, children and/or their jobs over their own health and well being. (I'm not saying there is nothing wrong about caring for others, but lets face it: It is your health and they want you to be there for them longer.)
So I'm not going to stop here, I'm going to show you how to calculate your caloric needs:

 To estimate how many calories you should consume in order to maintain your weight, you'll need to do a little math. By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your basal metabolic rate -- also known as your BMR.

Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function. We use about 60% of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.

655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

  •     If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent
  •     If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent
  •     If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent

  •     If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR           x  50 percent
  •     If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent

Add this number to your BMR.

This should help you out, For more questions about weight loss or nutrition leave a comment below.
And remember: A healthy mind needs a Healthy body. Keep training !

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